Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Astraeus Airlines, nose-dived into administration yesterday and ceased operations.

The rock track might be called From Here To Eternity. But for Astraeus Airlines, whose pilots include Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson, pictured below, it is more a case of From Here To Uncertainty.

The UK carrier, which was based at Gatwick, nose-dived into administration yesterday and ceased operations. 

The airline, which is owned by Icelandic travel group Eignarhaldsfelagid Fengur HF, has 10 aircraft which it operated as a stand-alone business. 

Astraeus Airlines pilot Bruce Dickinson, the Iron Maiden singer

Leader of the pack: Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson poses with his flight crew

But in 2008 it started to lease the planes to other carriers such as BMI and Iceland Express, providing extra capacity when needed.


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